Rocket Ecology hold specialist licences (see our team page) to allow them to assess structures and trees for potential roosts so can help with any surveys you may need for your site.
All bats and their roosts are protected under UK and European legislation, making it an offence to intentionally or recklessly kill, injure handle or capture a bat, or damage, block or obstruct anywhere a bat uses as a roost. A lot of development work has the potential to damage or disturb bats in their roosts, which are protected all year long and used for many different purposes, roosts are protected whether the bat is currently present or not.
Step one:
Preliminary Roost Assessment
This first stage of assessment is used to determine whether a structure or tree could provide suitable roosting opportunities for bats, and what the impact would be from development on the site. From this assessment Rocket Ecology can determine the level of appropriate surveys, in line with the Bat Conservation Trust Guidelines, for your development.
A Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) involves an external and internal inspection of the structure (or tree) using high powered torches, binoculars and endoscopes used by our licenced ecologists. Our ecologists will search for any access points, gaps or crevices that could be used by roosting bats. Signs to look out for can include bat droppings, staining, urine splashes, the bats themselves and feeding remains such as butterfly wings. This assessment can be undertaken at any time of year, and we advise this is undertaken early in the development process to ensure there is time to undertake any follow-up surveys required.
Step two:
Emergence and Pre-dawn Surveys
To determine how your building, structure or tree is being used by bats a series of evening and or pre-dawn surveys are undertaken using specialist detectors to record emerging or returning bats.
Step three:
Gaining a Licence
If surveys show you have bats on your site then you will need a licence from Natural England or NatureScot to destroy, modify or disturb any roost found.