Ecological Clerk of Works

Our Ecologists hold CSCS cards and are highly experienced at providing onsite advice and ensuring compliance with planning conditions and legislation. We can provide:

  • Toolbox talks.
  • Site inductions.
  • Pre-commencement checks for protected species.
  • Method statements for non-licenced works.
  • Guidance during construction.
  • Site inspection reports.
  • Marking out exclusion zones and ecological buffers.
  • Oversee implementation of mitigation and Protected Species Licences.

Get in touch if your site needs inspections, monitoring, nesting bird checks or any other ecological involvement.

Browse our full range of services:

We are Rocket Ecology
Ecological surveys, management & support for development projects of any size & scope

We provide comprehensive surveys utilising traditional and modern technologies, prioritising accuracy, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Our experienced team ensures project completion to the highest standard, regardless of size or scope.

Email Telephone 0191 300 3232
