Nesting Bird Surveys

All birds are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) whilst they are breeding. Nests, eggs and unfledged young are protected from damage and destruction. Certain species gain additional protection from Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, for these species it is illegal to disturb a bird whilst: nest building, at a nest containing eggs or young, or disturb the dependent young.

Nesting bird surveys are required prior to vegetation clearance in the nesting bird season (March to September inclusive) to ensure no active bird nests are present prior to the commencement of works. If an active nest is found to be present a suitable buffer zone will be demarked until the chicks have fledged.


Nesting bird check: March to September inclusive with some weather dependant variation.

Browse our full range of Protected Species Surveys:

Water Vole Surveys

As a threatened species, water vole surveys are an important tool for monitoring their populations and identifying threats to their survival.

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Bat Surveys

Identifying the presence and monitoring the behaviour of bats through techniques such as direct observation, sound detection and genetic sampling.

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Badger Surveys

Badgers surveys are used to identify and protect badger populations, helping to ensure that these protected species continue to thrive.

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Bird Surveys

Birds are an integral part of our ecosystem. They control insect populations and spread seeds, which helps to keep our environment healthy.

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Newt Surveys

By monitoring newt populations and identifying threats to their survival, we can help to ensure that newts continue to thrive in the wild.

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Reptile Surveys

Reptiles can be found in lots of different habitat including grassland, heathland, scrub and woodland.

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Otter Surveys

Otter surveys help protect otter populations by monitoring abundance and distribution, identifying threats and promoting conversation.

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We are Rocket Ecology
Ecological surveys, management & support for development projects of any size & scope

We provide comprehensive surveys utilising traditional and modern technologies, prioritising accuracy, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Our experienced team ensures project completion to the highest standard, regardless of size or scope.

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