Invasive Species

Invasive non-native species, animal or plant, have the ability to spread and cause ecological, environmental or socio-economic harm. Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) it is an offence to cause the spread of INNS, and therefore by law landowners and/or land managers are responsible for the management, or removal.

INNS can be identified during a Preliminary Ecological Assessment (PEA) of the site or during a targeted INNS survey, to determine:

  • Species present.
  • Exact location or extent of.
  • Potential mitigation measures, and
  • Opportunities for removal.

The results will inform an Invasive Species Management Plan detailing mitigation and/or removal measures, to prevent the spread in line with existing wildlife legislation and discharge potential planning conditions related to your planning application.

For more information about INNS and their safe management, or removal, contact Rocket Ecology to speak to one of our accredited and experienced ecologists, to guide you through the planning process.

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Ecological surveys, management & support for development projects of any size & scope

We provide comprehensive surveys utilising traditional and modern technologies, prioritising accuracy, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Our experienced team ensures project completion to the highest standard, regardless of size or scope.

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