It’s the big subject in the planning world at the moment due to the delays to planning applications being determined by already stretched planning authorities.
Who does it affect?
A formal notice has come from Natural England to state that some of the UK’s designated sites are now considered to be in an unfavourable condition due to nutrient enrichment.
All developments which give rise to new overnight accommodation (including permitted development) within the following areas trigger further assessment.
What needs to be submitted?
The Local Planning Authority and Natural England need to be confident that there will be no negative impact from your development following appropriate mitigation. In order to be confident, the nutrient neutrality calculator must be completed and submitted alongside a Habitat Regulations Assessment.
What are my mitigation options?
- Paying to upgrade sewage treatment works;
- Onsite waste water treatment works;
- Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems;
- Offsite wetlands;
- Changing offsite agricultural land within the catchment to wetland, woodland or meadow; or
- Natural England based credit system which is yet to be released.