Before considering a planning proposal, you should discuss ecology requirements with the developer. A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) may be required to provide a rapid assessment, identifying ecological features present, or potentially present, on-site or within the vicinity of the site. Results will identify:
- Potential ecological impacts that may be caused by the planning proposal.
- Potential need for further ecological surveys.
- Potential mitigation measures, and
- Opportunities for ecological enhancement.
The assessment involves a desk study to provide background information and context, and a walkover to classify habitats present (using Phase 1 Habitats or UK Hab), record any invasive non-native species (INNS), and identify evidence of, or the potential for, protected species on-site and within the vicinity of the site.
It is a requirement to identify and assess features of ecological interest before a planning application can be submitted, to ensure correct mitigation measures are in line with existing wildlife legislation and planning policies for habitats and species protected by UK and European law
For more information about Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, contact Rocket Ecology to speak to one of our accredited and experienced ecologists, to guide you through the planning process.