Andrew graduated from the University of Nottingham with an undergraduate degree in Zoology, following that Andrew studied at the University of Queensland to gain a master’s degree in Conservation Biology. Since graduating Andrew has volunteered with local zoos and WWT and, before working in consultancy for 8 years.
Andrew holds a Level 1 GCN class licence and is also working towards his associate membership to CIEEM (Chartered institute of Ecology and Environmental Management).
He is experienced in protected species surveys, analysis of audio/visual results, mapping and report writing. His protected species survey experience includes Phase 1 Habitat Surveys, Great Crested Newt surveys, bat emergence and activity surveys, reptile presence/absence surveys, dormouse presence/absence surveys, breeding bird surveys and badger walkovers.
Andrew has extensive experience of acting as an ECoW (Ecological Clerk of Works), with a focus on nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIP’s). Including HS2, phase 1 of the M25 junction 28 improvements, operation BROCK in Kent and carriageway widening projects in Somerset and Sussex.